Rosella Coffee|Food|Beer|Wine

 January 18, 2016

My daughter and I both love good coffee, though we have differing definitions, and we love the coffee house environment. As such, one of our favorite things to do together is spending time at Coffee Shops.

For 2016 we decided to kick it up a notch by going to all of the cool places in San Antonio and review our experiences here and here.

Today we find ourselves with some time on our hands AND the Cedar Pollen counts are low enough for a trip outside. With this convergence of good things, we decide to start the Tour today with Rosella Coffee near downtown.

Rachel's "coffee", my coffee, a journal, and the most recent copy of Modern Farmer magazine.
My definition of good coffee is: brewed no sugar, no cream, no flavoring, no ice, no chocolate, no caramel, no sprinkles, etc. - just the pure, unadulterated coffee bean. Remove the NO from the previous list and you'll have Rachel's definition of good coffee...

All of that to say that this cup of coffee from is about the best I've had in SA. Rosella has set the bar very high.

The only downside of our visit, and not much of one, there were no tables available...this place was packed. Since we are both rugged, self-reliant, no-whining problem solvers - we made our own place by grabbing a couple of chairs and placed them at the corner of the planter box, instant table!

Table for two!
